03/17/2018, 02:23 Time
National ADAPT


ADAPT Applauds Congressman Chris Smith

National ADAPT - ADAPT praises Representative Chris Smith (R-NJ), a long-time champion on autistic community issues, who is...

09/24/2017, 21:53 Time
National ADAPT

For Immediate Release

Action Happening Now

National ADAPT - 9/24/17 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ““ ACTION HAPPENING NOW For More Information: Bruce Darling ...

09/19/2017, 23:18 Time
LeDante Walker

12th Annual Open Motorcycle Rally in Hot Springs, Arkansas

Motorcycles! Motorcycles! Motorcycles!

USPA NEWS - Whether you love to collect them, love to ride ride them, or just love looking at them. When it comes to motorc...

08/24/2017, 00:07 Time
LeDante Walker

Free Speech Demonstration in Hot Springs, Arkansas

Preservation Or Rhetoric?

USPA NEWS - Can the history of the Civil War be preserved while healing racial tensions in America in 2017. The Confederate...

08/16/2017, 22:00 Time
Spa Area Independent Living Services

Press Release

Statement on Charlottsville

Spa Area Independent Living Services - On Friday, August 11, 2017, a group of Neo-Nazi, white supremacists went to Charlott...

08/16/2017, 02:46 Time
LeDante Walker

A Nation Divided

2017 A Country Still Divided

USPA NEWS - Different races, different parties, different genders, different religions, different news, different opinions,...

08/09/2017, 03:10 Time
Hot Springs Police Department

Press Release

Homicide on Central Ave.

Hot Springs Police Department - Press Release ““ HOT SPRINGS POLICE DEPARTMENT (Corporal Kirk Zaner) On August 7, 20...

08/06/2017, 01:34 Time
LeDante Walker

Garland County Habitat for Humanity Home Dedications

Double the giving, double the love

USPA NEWS - Garland County Habitat for Humanity Executive Director Cindy Wagstaff presents new homeowner Heather Phillips w...

07/26/2017, 18:26 Time
SoutheastADA center

ADA turns 27

A long way to go

SoutheastADA center - Celebrate ADA 27 the 27th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act July 26, 2017 mar...

07/24/2017, 16:55 Time
Atlantis ADAPT

Press Alert

Jury trial for arrested ADAPT members

Atlantis ADAPT - 07/24/17, Denver, Colorado - Today is the start of the first jury trial for the first of seven Atlantis AD...

07/21/2017, 02:31 Time
LeDante Walker

S.A.I.L.S. Annual Fishing Derby A Sucess!

Disabiility community smiles!

USPA NEWS - Is there anything to do in Hot Springs if you have a disability? Sure it is just ask SAILS! It's fishing derby ...

07/19/2017, 01:24 Time
Arkansas ADAPT

Press Release

Protesters demands answers from senator

Arkansas ADAPT - Arkansas ADAPT went to senator Cotton office to get answers on where he stands on the senate healthcare bi...




Daren Frankish


Yasmina BEDDOU




Aurangzeb Akbar
